Monday, November 2, 2009

Central Open House

Grayson wouldn't take a picture with his teacher without me
Showing off his art work


I'm wondering if Clint know his sunglasses are sitting on his forehead?


The girls in Grayson's class at Central
The boys

Max is trying to get his pumpkin hat off

Max the hippie

Grayson's classmates at Central

Halloween was a lot of fun for Grayson this year. The original plan was for him to be a Transformer until he received a Ninja Turtle costume from his Aunt Sherrie. She really intended for him to just play in it, but he decided he wanted to wear it for some of his Halloween activities. Grayson, Clint, and I went to the Halloween Festival at Central where he attends pre-school on Wednesday night and stopped by the square for some pictures before going to church. He even got to wear his costume to church which he though was pretty cool! On Thursday, he got to dress up again as a Ninja Turtle for his Halloween party at Central and on Friday, he transformed into a Transformer for his party at his daycare. Saturday we had fun dressing up Max in his old costumes. Before having Grayson, I bought Max a Halloween costume most years, but when Grayson came along, Max's customes were just not a priority any more. We ended Halloween evening by trick or treating at family and friends' houses. By the way, Grayson decided he wanted to be a Tranformer for this night.

Playdate with Aubrie

Helping Mom and Dad

Baking Pumpkin Pie with Mom

Painting our bathroom with Dad
I hated the old color and absolutely love the new one!

Grayson has always been a big helper at our house. Whatever Clint and I are doing, he is right there with us. Clint let Grayson help him paint our bathroom which turned into a long job for Clint. Clint thought Grayson would get tired of painting after a couple of minutes, but Grayson fooled him. He just kept painting and was having a great time. Clint was so sweet to work around Grayson and let him go at it!

Disney World

Chillin' at Mickey's House

Mickey Mouses's House

Chip 'N Dale

Cinderella's Castle at the Magic Kingdom

Mickey Mouse



Lego Land

Minnie Mouse


Donald Duck

Making plans with Dad

Grayson and his two favorite characters, Buzz & Woody

Stinky Pete

Handy Manny

Parade at Hollywood Studios

Mr. Potato Head

Being silly on the airplane

Grayson got to be in The Hoop Dee Musical Review Show

Clint, Grayson, and I went to Disney World at the end of September and had the time of our lives. I've decided that after going and seeing the various ages of kids, Grayson was at the perfect age(4) to go. He was old enough to walk when he wanted and ride in a stroller when he got tired. He was such a little trooper because he's used to taking naps most days, and we didn't have time for naps because there was so much to do and see! Grayson had never flown before, so the airport and airplane ride were a vacation in itself to him. One of the best parts of our trip was waiting in the airport on our way home. We got to see two different flights of Make a Wish families coming into the airport to go to Disney World. The foundation had balloons, posters, team members and characters dressed up to greet the kids and their families. They even announced the kids' names as they were entering the airport. It was such a humbling experience that brought tears to my eyes. I'm so thankful and blessed to have a healthy child.